I express my great admiration to the first-year students for choosing our university named after Madiba. We are – a comprehensive University and the biggest in the Eastern Cape that seeks to generate cutting-edge research and knowledge for the renaissance of Africa and the world.

In this regard, our first years must understand that they represent the most intellectually talented citizens of our society by belonging into an institution of higher learning.

There are three purposes of a University. Firstly, the University has a responsibility to produce knowledge, thereby advancing the understanding of the complex world around us and enriching our scientific and cultural heritage. Secondly, the University must disseminate knowledge. A university education should equip you to think imaginatively and critically while gaining depth of knowledge in a chosen field and train you to communicate your thoughts cogently. Thirdly, the final purpose of a University is community coexistence and engagement. In other words, you commit yourself to the pursuit of knowledge and understanding as a vital means for the betterment of humankind as a whole. Society first and then the individual.

Mandela University in 2020 will have its highest ever number of postgraduate students. This development creates a pool of excellent tutors and mentors who will hopefully inspire the desire for further study in today’s undergraduates. Our pass rates and graduation rates are also one of the most competitive in the country. You are therefore advised to network and build relations with fellow students so that you can tap into their experience and knowledge as you traverse your new journey as part of your bigger crusade to realise your life choices.

Our University has a strong social justice ethos. Everyone is treated equally and equitably. Conduct, relationships, and responsibilities are guided by our values and the South African Constitution. Everyone at the University, from students to academics to cleaners and gardening staff, is entitled to respect and dignity. We expect everyone to live the values of Ubuntu and human solidarity. After all, we are a human community. We expect no less!

To young men – violent and callous conduct against women has no place at Mandela University and it will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

To young women – please have the courage to report any such abuse, and to have complete confidence that the University will take action against perpetrators.

The initiation practices in residences are strictly prohibited and are illegal at Mandela University. I also wish to remind you that excessive alcohol consumption and the, use of drugs is forbidden at our student life activities and in our residences. Any irresponsible practice in this regard could result in disciplinary action.

Our University is a space for learning and teaching, knowledge production and community engagement. We strive to facilitate student success and life changing experiences.  We expect all our students to commit and to be active partners on this crusade.  Anything that seeks to derail or divert us from this fundamental focus will not be tolerated. This is non-negotiable!

Finally, I ask you to appreciate that reading for a Mandela University degree is demanding, and that academic studies need to be taken seriously. You dare not betray your generational mission as the role of the youth is to learn, learn, and learn. Of course, there will be many opportunities to have a good time. University life is a matter of striking a balance between academic responsibilities, sport, cultural activities, sociopolitical activism, and a social life. Get the balance right, and the university years will be among the best in your life.


Luthando Jack 

Dean of Students

Posted on 11 February 2020 19:08:58

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This platform serves as a reflective, discursive and connecting space between myself and the entire student community of our beloved university. Through this platform, we converse with our students and broader stakeholders on all matters of student life, wellbeing and development at Mandela University.

Luthando Jack, Dean of Students