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Dear Students,

As we approach the upcoming National and Provincial Government Elections, I would like to take this opportunity to encourage each one of you to actively participate in this pivotal moment for our nation-building. These elections are not just a routine event, but the cornerstone of our democracy, allowing us to express our collective will and shape the future of South Africa. This year marks a particularly significant milestone as we commemorate 30 years since the first democratic elections in 1994. It is a moment to reflect on the progress we have made and the challenges we continue to face in building a just and equitable society.

Posted: 28/05/2024 12:27:35 | with 0 comments

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This platform serves as a reflective, discursive and connecting space between myself and the entire student community of our beloved university. Through this platform, we converse with our students and broader stakeholders on all matters of student life, wellbeing and development at Mandela University.

Dr Bernard Sebake, Acting Dean of Students